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-- 作者:乐魔舞 -- 发布时间:2007/12/27 11:52:18 -- IE中Flash控件的自动激活 face16|IE中Flash控件的自动激活 |admin||只要在代码之间插入下面的代码就OK.. //出现猴子的图的处理方法,只要引用下此贴就能看到原代码.避免代码错误 以下内容为程序代码: objectswap.js的代码是 /* ObjectSwap - Bypasses the new ActiveX Activation requirement in Internet Explorer by swapping existing ActiveX objects on the page with the same objects. Can also be used for Flash version detection by adding the param: to the object tag. Author: Karina Steffens, www.neo-archaic.net Created: April 2006 Changes and bug fixes: May 2006 Bug fixes: June 2006 Changes: October 2006 (Included Opera9 and excluded IE5.5) */ //Check if the browser is InternetExplorer, and if it supports the getElementById DOM method var ie = (document.defaultCharset && document.getElementById && !window.home); var opera9 = false; if (ie){ //Check for ie 5.5 and exclude it from the script var ver=navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE") ver=parseFloat(ver[1]) ie = (ver >=6) }else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")!=-1) { //Check for Opera9 and include it in the ObjectSwap var versionindex=navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")+6 if (parseInt(navigator.userAgent.charAt(versionindex))>=9) opera9 = true; } //Perform ObjectSwap if the browser is IE or Opera (if not just check flashVersion) var oswap = (ie ││ opera9) //Hide the object to prevent it from loading twice if (oswap){ document.write (""); } /*Replace all flash objects on the page with the same flash object, by rewriting the outerHTML values This bypasses the new IE ActiveX object activation issue*/ objectSwap = function(){ if (!document.getElementsByTagName){ return; } //An array of ids for flash detection var stripQueue = []; //Get a list of all ActiveX objects var objects = document.getElementsByTagName(\'\'object\'\'); for (var i=0; i |