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PC变Mac终极大法  发帖心情 Post By:2008/3/14 9:42:07 [只看该作者]

对苹果优雅精致的Mac机垂涎已久?受够了那些伪Mac模拟软件?这次是动真格的,Engadget 请来Aqua-Soft.org的Kurt Williams,给出了把PC的外观和操作彻底变成Mac的方法。


        StyleXP or WindowBlinds (skins the Graphical User Interface of your operating system)

        ObjectBar (the white Finder bar on the top of Macs; has File, Edit, View, etc. on it.)

        ObjectDock, YzDock (discontinued), or MobyDock (The dock on the bottom of a Mac that contains icons and shortcuts to programs)

        Trillian (chat program that can be skinned to resemble iChat)

        YzToolbar (skins the toolbar icons in your Windows windows)

        YzShadow (puts a lovely drop shadow under your windows ?la Mac OS X)

        Rainlendar (popular skinable desktop calendar)

        Rainmeter (skinnable desktop system statistics)

        Samurize (like Konfabulator for the Mac; can display just about anything, such as clocks, uptime, and the weather)

        iTunes for Windows (self-explanatory)

        Icons (The pretty little pictures on your desktop that point you somewhere. There are millions out there, but try the link provided for over a 1,000 lifted from Mac OS X 10.3 aka Panther)



        1)用StyleXP收拾Visual Style。StyleXP安装包里已经包括一些不错的样式了,其中就有Mac OS X的Panther,其他漂亮样式还可以到StudioTwentyEight下载(其他地方也有)。在StyleXP中选择Panther后,Windows窗口的外观就应该和苹果差不多了,如下:


        3)用ObjectDock, YzDock 或者 MobyDockdock处理dock。使用很简单,把可执行文件或者快捷方式拽到dock上就完了,右键单击可以设置。经过一番鼠标运动,效果图:
        4)Trillian,Trillian是跨AIM, MSN, ICQ, 和 IRC 的一体化即时通信软件。这步倒不是必须,不过能让你看起来更酷,想想看,在你几乎天衣无缝的PC仿Mac就要完成时,突然蹦出个土了吧唧的QQ或者MSN--那多丢人呐~~这一步是要用Trillian模拟苹果的iChat。可以在 Danimator’s iChat skins下载Trillian skinhttp://www.deviantart.com/view/2781557/。效果图:
        5)YzToolbar 和 YzShadow。没什么说的,安装,运行就是了,找个你喜欢的皮肤,Williams推荐Aqua-Soft 或者 AquaXP,看看效果:

        6)Rainlendar 和 Rainmeter同样容易安装使用,不废话了,看效果:

        7)Samurize 稍微有点复杂,简单说,它就是能把从时钟到CPU监视等等小部件放到桌面的东东。不妨到它网站看看,或者看看 Aqua-Soft 和 AquaXP的论坛。多说无益,效果:

        8)坚持住,就要大功告成了--要完美的模拟Mac,可别再用什么Winamp或者Windows Media Player了,我们的目标是,iTunes for Windows!Apple官方发布,安装使用不会有什么困难吧。


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